Stop measuring success by achievement alone

You are so much more than your degrees and promotions. Let that sink in. In a world that is constantly beckoning more from you, it's easy to lose sight of what true success means to you.

Not society's definition.

Not your parents definition.

Not the definition that is currently the most touted amongst your friend group.

Your definition of success.

If in this very moment you are unsure of what your definition of success truly is, then it's imperative that you take a moment to gather your thoughts. What you come up with today may not represent the full scope of your definition of success, but you will at least have a few elements of what will eventually be a clear picture of you living your very best life. It is imperative that you start to think of success on your own terms. This is the only clear way for you to measure your progress, while staying focused on ultimate goal. Keep in mind that as you work toward your definition of success, you will quickly realize that there's more to success than achievement.

Achievement is the summation of progress. Every action you take to move closer to a goal represents progress. Acknowledging your progress is a great motivator and demonstrates that your effort is not in vein. To achieve your definition of success you will need grit. Grit is an unwavering focus on each of your goals and the ability to keep going even when things get difficult. Your ability to persevere in spite of obstacles and your commitment to keep pressing forward are clear indicators that your work is in alignment with your definition of success. When you are passionate about your goals, nothing will stop you from achieving them. However, if you are in pursuit of something that is not aligned with your passion, you will repeatedly find yourself having difficulty with motivation and persistence. The difference between truly successful people and those performing success shows up in how they perceive and respond to these indicators. Recognizing when a challenge represents redirection or requires more focus, is a skill within itself. It's easy to find yourself trying to forge a path not meant for you. It's difficult to recognize it and do something about it, if you're not clear on your ultimate goal.

Beyond achievement, there's impact. Impact is more important than a collection of trinkets or trophies. Impact is the direct result of your commitment to doing great work. Whether you have built a reputation for your ability to solve complex problems at work or you are someone who your colleagues can count on for sound advice, both are evidence of impact. The gift of impact is its' staying power. You can change jobs and still receive calls from former colleagues who value your insight. Often you will find yourself working with those very same colleagues in new jobs as well. When people recognize and even benefit from your impact they will take every opportunity to partner with you. Legacies are built by the impact you make in the world.

On your journey, you will appreciate the lessons collected along the way and new perspectives gained. Those lessons will help you adjust your approach as you make progress towards success. Your ability to change your perspective will also support your progress by helping you envision a different way forward. Both will fortify your grit and ultimately keep you focused on your journey. There's nothing more satisfying than alignment with self and achieving success on your own terms.

*Written in the sunroom on a beautiful, summer Saturday morning.

Tiffany A. Irving

Tiffany is an innovative writer and career curator who’s purpose is to help others align with meaningful work.

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